Violin HF

ANVISA certified.

The Violin HF (20kHz) comes to fulfill the market gap for a more complete equipment, with more functions and a totally brazilian workforce, from its manufacture to its calibration. The Violin line got the ANVISA label, an exclusivity in national audiometers.
The Violin HF is a standalone device, with no external interface required (either PC or any other device), has a complete and unlimited database, allows direct printing and works both on the network and also allows to display on the exam screen and export this report to any USB device in PDF format.
Like the entire Violin line, the Violin HF got 100% national design, manufacture and maintenance. Below you can see a comparative table of all versions of Violin. One of them is perfect for you!
Need more information?
We are here to help you! Please make contact via below contact data or online chat.
0800-772-0072 (Sales – SP)
0800-092-0800 (Sales– MG)
Address - SP
Rua Alexandre Finta, 99 - Jd. Capelinha.
São Paulo/SP - CEP: 05850-090
Address - MG
Rua Pedro Borsato, 41 - Jd. Palmeiras
Santa Rita do Sapucaí/MG - CEP: 37540-000
Talk to us
Phone SP: 55 (11) 5510-7400
Phone MG: 55 (35) 0800-092-0800
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